Poor Pool Cleaner Finds Secret Door in Old Lady’s Pool, Buys His Own Mansion Next Week – Story of the Day

They exchanged a couple more words until they got to the pool, where Will couldn’t even open his mouth to speak as he hurriedly dug in his bag for a nose mask.

It stinks.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

He still felt like it wasn’t enough as he tied a nose mask around his nose and mouth, staring at the water for a few seconds as he took it all in.

He looked around, trying to find Walter, only to realize he had disappeared barely seconds after they arrived.

Will couldn’t blame him, though. The only reason he continued to stand at the edge of the pool staring at the green, moldy water, was because it was his job to clean it.

If not, he would have bolted out of there faster than Walter.

The more he stared at the water, the more shocked and horrified he was as he noticed some things floating on the surface of it.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

They weren’t joking about the dead animals. He internally groaned, imagining the work he had to do to remove and properly dispose of the rotten and swollen bodies of the animals in the water.

The pool was huge, and it was just as dirty. Will quickly realized that it would take at least two days if he worked really hard to finish the job.

It was an open pool, and Will could have sworn that it had most likely not been used in decades, if not centuries, with the damage it had incurred.

What they need is a new pool, Will thought, bending his head to peer closer into it, not surprised to see the tiles on the sides of the pool already coming off.

He had barely been in that position for a few seconds when he stepped back and walked to his bag to pick a stronger filter mask since the one he had on didn’t seem to help with the revolting stench.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

A few minutes later, his equipment was plugged and ready. The first thing he needed to do was try to remove all the dirt in the water before he drained it.

This included all the dead animals or whatever else had gotten into it over the years it had been there, especially since anything that could have fallen into the pool had fallen into it.

Sweat dripped down his face as he worked as quickly as he could.

It took a while for him to finish the first part with the nets, and by then, he felt like the stench connected to the pool had somehow managed to stick to him.

It was already a few hours past noon, and he was hungry. He had brought a small packet of food with him, but the last thing he wanted to do was eat anywhere close to the pool.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

He washed his hands before moving a few meters away to a clean, shaded area where he could enjoy his silence for a while before he started working again.

But he couldn’t even take a bite when the silence he so craved was suddenly interrupted as a group of people chose that exact time to pass beside him.

The moment he spotted them, he instinctively groaned in his mind. They were all women and well-dressed. Even how they walked under their dainty umbrellas showed they had money.

They were the kind of women he wouldn’t have met on a random day.

Them passing beside him was fine, but what ticked him off was when they suddenly decided to turn him into a side attraction as they stood in front of him, talking about him like he was deaf.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Who is he?”

“Where did he come from?”

“He’s quite handsome underneath all the sweat.”

“He’s a laborer; look at his clothes, he’s”—”

At that point, Will quickly got to his feet, knowing better than to continue to sit there trying to eat.

He had already been insulted enough, and the last thing he wanted was to go home at the end of the day with even more.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

“I’m sorry, my friends can be a little insensitive,” one of them apologized, but apart from her red hair, which he couldn’t help staring at, he dared not look directly at her face.

She was pretty, but he knew his place. The fact that they stood just a few steps in front of him was enough for him to get yelled at.

“It’s fine,” he said as he turned around to leave, only to grit his teeth together in annoyance as he came face to face with a furious Mr. Philip.

He didn’t even hesitate as he broke into a run and ran as fast as he could back to the stinking pool. He wasn’t surprised not to hear him chasing after him.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

When he got back, Will worked twice as hard this time.

Even if he couldn’t finish cleaning the pool, at least he wanted to drain the water successfully, and so he began.

Minutes became hours, and by the time he was finally done and checked the time, it was already late in the evening.

He packed up all the company equipment he had brought, knowing better than to leave it there as he prepared to leave.

What he wasn’t expecting was for his gaze to suddenly land on what appeared to be a small door handle at the side of the empty pool.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

At first, the thought of entering the pool to check what it was disgusted him since, although it was empty, it was still filthy.

But the longer he stared at the door handle, the more he wanted to know what could be behind the door.

Why would anyone put a secret door inside a pool?

Finally, his curiosity won, and he daintily stepped into the pool, trying to avoid getting his shoes dirtier than they already were.

The moment he got in front of what looked like the pool wall with a small handle attached to it, Will turned the handle and pulled it open, shocked at how hard it was.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

He turned and turned, but the handle remained stuck no matter how hard he tried.

He was tempted to give up and had just tried turning it with all the energy he could muster one last time when he heard a loud click.

With clear excitement, Will flung the door open, curious to see what was behind it, only to slam it shut as fast as he opened it.

Although he was not fast enough to stop the water that gushed out and drenched him from head to toe.

He didn’t think it could get much worse until he suddenly shifted his feet, trying to squeeze out some of the stinking water he was drenched in when he slipped.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

The pool floor was still very muddy, so no matter how much he tried not to fall flat on his face, it didn’t help, and he still fell right into the stinking mush on the ground.

“Curiosity really kills the cat,” he grumbled with a very annoyed look on his face.

He was wet. Completely soaked in mush and mud, his clothes reeked to high heavens.

All he wanted to do was get out of the pool and go straight home.

Annoyed, he tried wiping some of the mud that had gotten on his face off as he moved to jump out of the way he came in, only for his already wet shoes to slip again.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

But this time, he was slightly more prepared as he stretched out his hand to grab the small door handle on the wall—something to hold on to.

He held onto it and managed to keep himself from falling, but in the process, he wrenched the door open and again got a face full of water.

Will had never been so frustrated, annoyed, and pissed off at the same time in his entire life.

He wiped his face with his hands and opened his mouth, about to swear at the terrible door, only to pause for a few seconds at the sight in front of him.

In the huge space behind the door were stacks of yellow bricks.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

For a few seconds, Will stared at it, unable to understand why someone would store yellow bricks inside a secret vault until it suddenly clicked.

It was gold.

It seems to be the unadulterated, undiluted, and unrefined kind, but Will couldn’t be sure.

Will’s hands trembled from fear and excitement as he stretched out his hands to pick one of them, staring at it intensely to ensure he wasn’t mistaken.

The sun had fallen, and the poolside was much darker than before, so no matter how hard he stared, he couldn’t confirm it.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Still, that didn’t stop him from pulling his bags closer to where he was. He emptied it and began to pack the bricks inside it one after the other until there was no more space in the bag.

Will felt a little jittery as he stored and abandoned his equipment before hauling the heavy bag on his back.

By the time he got to the gate, with the weight on his back, he was sweating profusely and lightly gasping for air.

“You stink. You were supposed to clean it, not swim in it,” Walter mumbled as he quickly opened the door for him with one hand while using the other to cover his nose.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

He didn’t even notice that Will’s bag looked a little larger than before, considering that nothing valuable was left in the mansion.

The people who came to see the mansion only came because of its age and how old it was, not because there was anything valuable to be found there.

If there was something valuable, then he was sure his boss would have been the first to take it.

“Welcome back, Will,” His mother and Rachael, his sister, greeted him as they watched him run straight into the bathroom with the bag on his back.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

They thought nothing of it, considering how terrible he smelled when he entered.

But for Will, bathing was the last thing on his mind. He had grabbed a saw on his way to the bathroom and spent the next thirty minutes trying to saw parts of the bar in his hand.

By the time he was done, tired and covered in sweat, he had only managed to shave a few inches of barely discernible gold dust into a black piece of cloth.

He stored the bag in his room, bathed, and instantly headed out of his house that night with the black cloth in his hands.

The thought of what would happen if it was gold made his whole body shake in nervousness as he headed to a famous jeweler’s store.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

He had bathed and changed his clothes but still got many looks the second he stepped in through the door, walking straight to one of the few people at the counter.

Will couldn’t help but stutter as he carefully brought the cloth from his pocket before placing it on the counter.

“I-I’d like to test if it’s gold,” Will said, wiping his palms anxiously on his pants as he stared at the attendant who stared back at him.

The attendant had assumed that the weird customer in front of him had brought a never-before-seen gem, only for him to open it and see absolutely nothing in the cloth.

The attendant took a closer look and noticed tiny pieces of what appeared to be gold shavings if it was gold.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

If not that he had been trained not to be rude, he would have sent the customer away to another store.

“Of course, Sir, I’ll do that right away,” he said as he slowly poured everything in the piece of cloth into a small container.

Little by little, the attendant began to test the gold shavings under the watchful gaze of Will, who refused to take his eye off what he was doing.

With bated breath, Will impatiently waited for the attendant to announce the result, beyond relieved to see the attendant finally raise his head.

With a polite smile on his face, Joe, the attendant, calmly spoke to the customer in front of him.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“It’s real gold,” he informed the person standing in front of him, beyond shocked to see the client limp for joy.

His eyes widened in ecstasy, and Joe watched as he instantly became so happy he practically grinned from side to side.

It’s just a few gold shavings. Why is he so happy, Joe wondered, unable to comprehend the source of Will’s happiness.

Will, on the other hand, felt like he was walking on the moon. He wanted to hug Joe in front of him and give him a big hug simply because of the result he gave him.

“Thank you! Thank you!” he cried, his voice louder than one would use in an ordinary conversation.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Even Joe, his attendant, felt a little embarrassed.

“It’s fine, Sir. I can offer you a good price of five hundred dollars for all the gold shavings,” Joe seriously continued speaking.

Again, he was shocked at the overwhelming reaction from the client in front of him.

“Five-five hundred dollars!” Will gasped, with a massive glint of happiness in his eyes.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Unknown to Joe, he was doing a completely different calculation in his mind.

If the tiny pieces he managed to shave off the bar were worth that much, then how much was the bar?

Different calculations ran through his head as she tried to figure out how much the bag he had carried home was worth. What about the stacks of gold that were left?

Will agreed to sell it, and Joe paid Will five hundred dollars, shocked at seeing a client be so enamored with such a small amount.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Have a good evening, Sir,”

“I wish you a happier one,” Will grinned at him before leaving the store.

All through his way home, he couldn’t stop smiling and staring at the five hundred dollar bill in his hand.

He was a billionaire and the only one who knew it.

Very early the following day, he dressed in his best clothes and got ready for work.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

It was his best clothes, but they still had patches and looked worn out. Will didn’t mind as he hugged his sister and mum with a grand smile on his face.

“Good morning, Walter,” he greeted the second he got in front of the gate with his empty bag on his back, ready to harvest more spoils for the day.

“You look better than you did yesterday.”

“I feel much better,” Will responded, walking in through the gate and heading straight for the main mansion with a spring in his step.

Unfortunately for him, he had just gotten to the parking lot where he had to pass to get to the swimming pool when he came face to face with Mr. Philip.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

He seemed to be getting into his car and about to leave, but instead of insulting Will like the day before, Will was relieved to see him glare only before ignoring him.

He wasn’t expecting the young man to get into his car and drive it straight at him, who barely managed to jump out of the way.

“He does that sometimes, too,” Walter said from the side distance he stood in.

“To everyone?” Will sarcastically asked as he got on his feet and dusted the dust off his bum.

Will wasn’t surprised to see Walter leave a few seconds later when he got to the pool entrance, just like the first day when he insisted on following him.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

In his own words, he was too bored with nothing else to do but not bored enough to follow Will to the stinking pool, something Will was now thankful for.

He planned to take all the gold there, with no intention of sharing a single bar.

Will believed in the saying that only one person can keep a lost treasure, not two, and he had no plans of sharing news of the one he found.

Different from the day before, he only worked half as hard on cleaning the pool floor until only some parts of it were spotless.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For Will, the evening didn’t come quickly enough, but when it finally did, he already had his bag ready and the extra one he made sure to bring.

As quickly as he could, he packed as many gold bars as she could stuff into both bags, not caring how heavy it would be when the time came for him to carry it.

All he cared about was clearing the entire space until nothing was left.

He didn’t slip this time, but he still covered himself with some smelly stuff from the bottom of the pool.

The last thing he wanted was for Walter to go through his bags.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Like the day before, by the time he got to the gate, he was covered in sweat and heaving, trying to catch his breath.

This time, he carried twice the load, with one bag on his back and another in his hand, and it wasn’t something that even Walter could ignore, no matter how badly he smelled.

“You’re carrying another bag?” Walter asked Will as he stood at a safe distance, covering his nose to stop himself from perceiving the smell coming from Will.

“It looks heavy. What’s in it?” Walter curiously asked. He wasn’t worried that Will was trying to steal anything because there was nothing to be taken, but he was curious to know what was in the bag.

Will, on the other hand, instantly froze. He hadn’t expected Walter to ask about the bag and assumed that he would let him pass through the gates just like the day before.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

He was a little stunned when Walter didn’t let him through.

“Open it, let me see what’s inside,” Walter told Will, even more interested to see what was inside the bag the longer Will stared at it instead of responding to his question.

“Ar-are you sure?” Will asked, even as he felt his heart race in his chest. If Walter opened the bags, then it was over.

He could decide to take everything, even involve his boss, and blame it all on him if it ever became public knowledge.

“Are you sure you want me to open it? It’s all the rocks and rotten bodies of dead animals I found inside the pool,” Will said, saying the first thing he could think of.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“I packed them into the bag so I wouldn’t” have to dispose of them on the Mansion grounds,” Will continued in a more confident tone, realizing that it was the only way Walter would believe him.

“Look, even the bottom of the bag is soaked wet,” Will said, picking up the bag and moving closer to Walter, who had no choice but to step back.

Walter nodded and quickly agreed, no longer interested in checking the bags the second he caught a whiff of the smell on Will as he moved closer.

Quickly, he moved to open the gate to let him leave.

“Thank you, Walter. See you tomorrow,” Will grinned as he walked through the gate.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

He couldn’t help but whistle in delight as he went home. He was sure he only had one more day to pack all the remaining gold and finish the job.

Quite unexpectedly for him, things didn’t go as he thought it would the next day he went back.

The pool floor had been thoroughly cleaned, and he had just finished filling one bag when he noticed the hidden gold space was now empty.

A little sad that there was no more gold to be found, he zipped his bag and got ready to go home and never return.

Doing one last check, Will reached into the space to ensure there was absolutely nothing he had missed.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Unknown to him, just as he reached inside to see if he had missed anything, Philip stood behind him, watching him.

He had noticed Will leaving and coming back with strange bags and found his actions to be a little suspicious.

“What is that?” He yelled, jumping into the empty pool and moving closer to peep into the space in the wall.

Will flinched in fear, too absent-minded to realize he wasn’t alone until it was too late.

“No-nothing. I found this empty hole in the wall while I was cleaning the pool,” William stuttered in response, genuinely worried that Philip would search his bag and realize he was lying.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

He could already imagine the amount of trouble he would be in. He would be arrested for stealing and might spend the rest of his life in jail.

“You’re the pool cleaner; what are you doing looking around for? Are you sure this was empty? For all I know, you could be a thief and—”

Unexpectedly, Walter suddenly appeared to interrupt him.

“Sir, the real estate agent you called is here.”

Will suddenly realized he would never get a better opportunity as he wrenched his face into an angry mess, screaming angrily.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“First, you insult me, and while I’m doing my job, you accuse me of stealing. Am I stealing dirt and rotten animal carcasses?” William yelled at the top of his voice.

The next thing he did was pick up his bag.

“I quit!” he yelled right in Philip’s face, who yelled right back at him.

“Then get out! Don’t expect to get a penny from me. Do you know how many people would gratefully take your place? Open the gates for him!” Philip yelled in anger.

On the other hand, Will had a pissed-off expression as he stormed through the gates. Only after he left did he allow himself to smile with pride.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

He didn’t even have to think of a way to get out since Philip personally ordered them to open the gates for him.

As he walked home with a bag of gold in his hands, he suddenly realized that he would never again have to work in his life.

A week later…

Will adjusted the designer suit he wore the second he parked and got out of his brand-new car.

In front of him was Philip, who stared at him like he was seeing a ghost.

His gaze kept moving from Will to his car and back to Will, who he just found out was the billionaire who bought his mother’s mansion from him.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“You! It’s impossible,” he yelled at Will, his eyes bulging with shock.

Will merely smiled as he walked towards Philip.

“Get out! Your presence is a dent in the luxury of this grounds,” he told him before entering the mansion.

Watching his face swell up in anger and disbelief as he got into his car and drove off was a pleasure for Will.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Will was sure that never would he have thought that a pool cleaner would suddenly buy such a huge mansion.

“He probably thinks I’m rich and was merely pretending to be a pool cleaner,” Will muttered as he scrolled through his phone, looking for more mansions to get.

He’ll have a heart attack if he ever knows the truth. Will thought to himself with a smirk on his face.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Today’s news.

Will, a Twenty-five-year-old self-made billionaire, attends the ‘Billionaire’s Gala,’ and when asked about his path to success, lists three pathways anyone aiming to become a billionaire like him should take.

The first is hard work. The second is perseverance, and the third is luck.

“Sometimes luck by itself can go a long way,” he said as he was seen leaving the gala.

Do our viewers think the same?

We’ll be back after this short break.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

When Martin received too many complaints from his other tenants about noise in one of his properties, he decided to look. The man he had rented the place to didn’t seem rowdy at all, but soon enough, Martin was calling the cops on him. Here is the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com

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